• Name: Rebecca Matheson
  • Job Title: Partner
  • Location: London
  • University: Cambridge
  • Degree: Natural Sciences
  • Areas of Specialism: Chemistry

When it came to choosing a career, despite enjoying my degree, I knew that a career in academia was not right for me. I wanted to maintain at least some contact with the scientific field, but knew that entering research and/or a PhD course would most likely mean working within a relatively specialised area of technology. So, when I found out about the patent profession in my final year, it was the potential to work across different areas of science that appealed to me most.

Keen to find out more, I got in touch with a handful of trainees and qualified attorneys in the profession. Some of these were friends (or friends of friends), and others I was put in touch with by the university careers service. It was incredibly useful to talk to people face to face, or over the phone, to find out more about what the job was actually like. I always enjoyed writing, so I liked the sound of the written aspect of the job too.

It was at this point that I realised how interested I was in the legal side of the patent world, so I also took the opportunity to meet with a solicitor and a barrister, who each worked within patents. I found out that, as a patent attorney, you generally work closer to the technology than you would do as a solicitor or a barrister. This was why I settled on applying for trainee patent attorney positions, rather than exploring other routes within the legal profession. There is also the benefit that you start work straight away, rather than having to do a law conversion, meaning that you get experience in the sector from the word go.

Application process

After graduation, I applied to a number of different firms. Most firms will most likely only have a small number of vacancies, so I would recommend applying to as many firms as possible, even if these applications are speculative.

The job requires attention to detail and good written communication skills, so be meticulous when proofreading anything you submit. Being verbally articulate is also important for the job, as in your career you may need to argue a case in person at the European Patent Office. So, when it comes to the interview stage, it’s a good idea to practice things like describing everyday objects, explaining your research project/PhD succinctly (I practised doing this in layman’s terms, as well as in detail) – but also, be prepared to be put on the spot! Being able to show that you have a genuine interest in the profession is also important, so it’s worth mentioning if you’ve been to any presentations, open days, or spoken with people in the profession. Showing you have an appreciation (and interest) in the written side of the job is also worthwhile, and depending on the firm, there may be some short tests/exercises to complete.

Training, qualification and beyond

After attending several interviews, I received an offer from a private practice firm in London, and I joined their Chemical and Pharmaceutical team in January 2013. The majority of training happens on-the-job through exposure to different work types, but most firms also supplement this with in-house tutorials and external courses.

The firm I initially joined provided me with an excellent grounding in the profession. However, after two years, I realised that the work-type didn’t fit with my long-term interests. So, mid-way through my training, I started to apply for jobs at other firms.

I joined GJE in December 2014, and after qualifying, joined the partnership in January 2024. Time has really flown! I have found the work to be incredibly varied, both legally and technically. I have worked on polymers, drug formulations, fuel cells, medical devices, detergents (and more). Even before qualification, I had exposure to lots of different legal aspects of patent law. I found this broad exposure to be particularly useful when training, and even today I enjoy still having a varied practice. While training, juggling deadlines and learning about client management can be a steep learning curve, but over time it is incredibly rewarding, and today I enjoy looking back on how far clients have come, and how their businesses and patent portfolios have grown.

Although patent law is a specialised area, the job can change quite a lot over the years. Initially, you’ll be focused on getting to grips with the law, passing your exams, and with time becoming a rounded attorney. Then over the years you’ll find yourself working more independently, and as you get more senior (particularly if you reach partnership), you’ll be supervising trainees, managing the firm, and working on growing the business.

Overall, I would say that I’ve found patents to be an incredibly rewarding career. No job is perfect (I, like most, did not enjoy the qualifying exams) but I’m glad to have found a job where the day-to-day work is genuinely interesting, intellectually stimulating, and challenging.

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