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  • Name: Isabelle Tate
  • Job Title: Associate, Chartered Trade Mark Attorney
  • Location: London
  • University: -Other UK-
  • Degree: LLB English Law with Australian Law
  • Areas of Specialism: Physics

Why did you choose a job in this sector/ profession?

I had a background in law (from my degree) and I had always enjoyed intellectual property law the most. I knew I wanted to work in that area and I didn’t want to risk going down another route of legal training and ending up in another area of law. I had heard the title trade mark attorney during my degree so I decided to pursue that, knowing that as a trade mark attorney I would be guaranteed to be working in the area that I wanted to. I also thought it would be nice to be part of a smaller specialised subset of the legal sector, with its own culture and community.

How did you get your job at Reddie & Grose?

Once I graduated, I started to look around for trainee trade mark attorney positions. I applied to Reddie & Grose and then attended two interviews before I was offered the job.

What are your main duties/ roles?

I assist clients with all aspects of their trade mark portfolios. I work directly with clients in the UK and overseas, as well as working with other attorneys around the world. My practice has a focus on contentious registry proceedings in the UK and EU.

Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to get into the industry?

If you are applying for jobs in this area, show your enthusiasm. There are always stories about trade marks (and other areas of intellectual property) in the news. It is an easy way to keep up to date with some cases that a lot of us in the industry will be talking about.

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